KR the Next will be premiered on October 20, 2007 ! This movie introduces the third kamen rider called V3 (after KR Ichigo and KR Nigo) which is played by Kazuki Sato, who previously act as KR Drake in Kabuto. Who are they? Actually they are part of the first Kamen Rider Series back in 70's. The first movie called KR the First was the remake and published in 2005. This movie is the sequel of the first movie. I believe, they did pretty good job in designing the costume without eliminating the original element from back then.
How bout the plot? Really simple. To save Chiharu (Erika Mori), which is V3-Shiro Kazami 's (Kazuki Sato) sister. And of course to fight Shocker (Destron in V3 series back then). KR Ichigo-Takeshi Hongo(Masaya Kikawada), KR-Nigo-Hayato Ichimonji(Hassei Takano) are also back to help to SAVE the WORLD, hahaha...